Introduction to Python Pandas
The Problem( Why?)
Its said that ‘Data is the new Oil’ and its very accurate as the current world creates an enormous amount of data and all the important decision are based on these data. Now we are all familiar with spread sheet application like Microsoft Office Excel or Google Sheets. they can both store as well as perform some analytic on these data which is fine but when we talk about huge amount of data(Big Data) these solution are not sufficient and this is where Python Pandas comes in.
Python Pandas: ( What? )
Note: Its a data processing/ analysis library present in python that can handle large amount of Data
Points to consider:
1. It offers both 1Dimensional and Multidimensional data object for processing
2. Series and Data Frame are two most important data structure offered in pandas
3. Based on Numpy library
4. Has a rich set of function and attributes for data analysis
5. Open Source
6. It can read data from many formats as sources like CSV, Excel, Relational Table
Working with Python Pandas: (How?)
1. Pandas have to imported in the script/program
2. Data have to loaded into one of the data Structure provided by pandas
3. Then function, attributes can be used to perform analytics on the Data structure
Data Structure offered by pandas:
1. Series
2. DataFrame