Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Series Data Structure in python pandas:

Series Data Structure 
1. One Dimensional Array of index data
2. It consists of two parts
a) An array of actual data
b) An associated array of index for the data array
3. Pandas has to be imported so as to create series object


Monday, April 20, 2020

Input and Output in python program

Input and Output in Python
INPUT in a python program
1. Used to get data into the program
2. ‘input()’ function is used
3. Default return type of input() in string so has to be converted into desired format


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Data Structure in python - LIST

Data Structure in python:
Def: Data Structure is a logical arrangement of data that imposes some protocol(rules) on how the data will be arranged, modified and accessed. Data structure are usually temporary storage only used for efficient data manipulation.
Types of data structure in python:
1. Inbuilt Data Structure: List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary, String.
2. Used Defined Data Structure : Stack, Queue, Tree etc


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Introduction to Python Pandas

Introduction to Python Pandas
The Problem( Why?)
Its said that ‘Data is the new Oil’ and its very accurate as the current world creates an enormous amount of data and all the important decision are based on these data. Now we are all familiar with spread sheet application like Microsoft Office Excel or Google Sheets. they can both store as well as perform some analytic on these data which is fine but when we talk about huge amount of data(Big Data) these solution are not sufficient and this is where Python Pandas comes in.
