Sunday, June 23, 2019

Syllabus for class 12 - Computer Science(Practical)

Theory 70 Marks

Practical 30 Marks

 S.No Unit Name Marks(30 )
1. Lab Test (10 marks)
Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code
Small Python program that sends a SQL query to a database and displays the result. A stub program can be provided. 3
2. Report File + viva(9 marks)
Report file: Minimum 21 Python programs. Out of this at least 4 programs should send SQL commands to a database and retrieve the result; at least 1 program should implement the web server to write user data to a CSV file. 7
Viva voce based on the report file 2
3. Project + viva (11 marks)
Project (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt) 8
Project viva voce 3

Some sample lab assignments are as follows:
5.1. Programming in Python:
  • Recursively find the factorial of a natural number.
  • Read a file line by line and print it.
  • Remove all the lines that contain the character `a' in a file and write it to another file.
  • Write a Python function sin(x, n) to calculate the value of sin(x) using its Taylor series expansion up to n terms. Compare the values of sin(x) for different values of n with the correct value.
  • Write a random number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6(simulates a dice).
  • Write a recursive code to find the sum of all elements of a list.
  • Write a recursive code to compute the n th Fibonacci number.
  • Write a Python program to implement a stack and queue using a list data-structure.
  • Write a recursive Python program to test if a string is a palindrome or not.
  • Write a Python program to plot the function y = x 2 using the pyplot or matplotlib libraries.
  • Create a graphical application that accepts user inputs, performs some operation on them, and then writes the output on the screen. For example, write a small calculator. Use the tkinter library.
  • Open a webpage using the urllib library.
  • Compute EMIs for a loan using the numpy or scipy libraries.
  • Take a sample of 10 phishing e-mails and find the most common words.

5.2. Data Management: SQL and web-server
  • Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table.
  • Find the total number of customers from each country in the table (customer ID, customer name, country) using group by.
  • Write a SQL query to order the (student ID, marks) table in descending order of the marks.
  • Integrate SQL with Python by importing the MySQL module
  • Write a Django based web server to parse a user request (POST), and write it to a CSV file.
  1. Project
The aim of the class project is to create something that is tangible and useful. This should be done in groups of 2 to 3 students, and should be started by students at least 6 months before the submission deadline. The aim here is to find a real world problem that is worthwhile to solve. Students are encouraged to visit local businesses and ask them about the problems that they are facing. For example, if a business is finding it hard to create invoices for filing GST claims, then students can do a project that takes the raw data (list of transactions), groups the transactions by category, accounts for the GST tax rates, and creates invoices in the appropriate format. Students can be extremely creative here. They can use a wide variety of Python libraries to create user friendly applications such as games, software for their school, software for their disabled fellow students, and mobile applications, Of course to do some of this projects, some additional learning is required; this should be encouraged. Students should know how to teach themselves.
If three people work on a project for 6 months, at least 500 lines of code is expected. The committee has also been made aware about the degree of plagiarism in such projects. Teachers should take a very strict look at this situation, and take very strict disciplinary action against students who are
cheating on lab assignments, or projects, or using pirated software to do the same. Everything that is
proposed can be achieved using absolutely free, and legitimate open source software.

Syllabus for class 12 - Computer Science(Theory)

Computer Science (New)
Code No. 083

Theory 70 Marks:

Unit 1: Programming and Computational Thinking (PCT-2) (80 Theory + 70 Practical)

  • Revision of the basics of Python
  • Functions: scope, parameter passing, mutable/immutable properties of data objects, pass arrays to functions, return values, functions using libraries: mathematical, and string functions.
  • File handling: open and close a file, read, write, and append to a file, standard input, output,and error streams, relative and absolute paths.
  • Using Python libraries: create and import Python libraries
  • Recursion: simple algorithms with recursion: factorial, Fibonacci numbers; recursion on arrays: binary search
  • Idea of efficiency: performance defined as inversely proportional to the wall clock time, count the number of operations a piece of code is performing, and measure the time taken by a program. Example: take two different programs for the same problem, and understand how the efficient one takes less time.
  • Data visualization using Pyplot: line chart, pie chart, and bar chart.
  • Data-structures: lists, stacks, queues.

Unit 2: Computer Networks (CN) (30 Theory + 10 Practical)
  • Structure of a network: Types of networks: local area and wide area (web and internet), new technologies such as cloud and IoT, public vs. private cloud, wired and wireless networks; concept of a client and server.
  • Network devices such as a NIC, switch, hub, router, and access point.
  • Network stack: amplitude and frequency modulation, collision in wireless networks, error checking, and the notion of a MAC address, main idea of routing. IP addresses: (v4 and v6), routing table, router, DNS, and web URLs, TCP: basic idea of retransmission, and rate modulation when there is congestion (analogy to a road network), Protocols: 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi. What makes a protocol have a higher bandwidth?
  • Basic network tools: traceroute, ping, ipconfig, nslookup, whois, speed-test.
  • Application layer: HTTP (basic idea), working of email, secure communication: encryption and certificates (HTTPS), network applications: remote desktop, remote login, HTTP, FTP, SCP, SSH, POP/IMAP, SMTP, VoIP, NFC.
Unit 3: Data Management (DM-2) (20 Theory + 20 Practical)

  • Write a minimal Django based web application that parses a GET and POST request, and writes the fields to a file - flat file and CSV file.
  • Interface Python with an SQL database
  • SQL commands: aggregation functions – having, group by, order by.

 Unit 4: Society, Law and Ethics (SLE-2) (10 Theory)
  • Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, digital rights management, and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache), open source, open data, privacy.
  • Privacy laws, fraud; cyber-crime- phishing, illegal downloads, child pornography, scams; cyber forensics, IT Act, 2000.
  • Technology and society: understanding of societal issues and cultural changes induced by technology.
  • E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets.
  • Identity theft, unique ids, and biometrics.
  • Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers.


Syllabus for class 11 - Informatic Practices(Practical)

Theory 70 Marks

Practical 30 Marks:

S. No
Problem solving using arithmetic operations, conditional statements and iterations with the help of a Python program 60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality
(To be tested on the day of the final exam)
Problem solving using numPy (To be tested on the day of the final exam)
SQL - 5 Queries based on single table (To be tested on the day of the final exam)
Report File
● Minimum 20 Python Programs
● Minimum 20 SQL Queries
Project using the concepts learnt in the course

Possible task for practical:
Programming in Python
(Sample problems to be solved using expressions, conditions, loops, list, dictionary,
and strings.)
     ● To find average and grade for given marks,
     ● To find amount for given cost-qty-discount,
     ● To calculate cost perimeter-wise/ area-wise,
     ● To calculate interest (Simple and Compound)
     ● To calculate profit-loss for given Cost and Sell Price
     ● To calculate EMI for Amount, Period and Interest,
     ● To calculate tax (examples from GST/Income Tax)
     ● To find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.
     ● To find the third largest number in a list.
     ● To find the sum of squares of the first 100 natural numbers.
     ● To find whether a string is a palindrome or not.
     ● To compute x n , for given two integers x and n,
     ● To compute the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two integers.
     ● To test if a number is equal to the sum of the cubes of its digits. Find the smallest and largest such numbers in the range of 100 to 1000.

Data Handling:
The following are some representative lab assignments.
● Import numpy as `np` and print the version number.
● To create an array of 1D containing numeric values 0 to 9
● To create a numPy array with all values as True
● To extract all odd numbers from numPy array
● To extract all even numbers from numPy array
● To copy the content of an array A to another array B, replacing all odd numbers
of array A with -1 without altering the original array A
● To replace all odd numbers in numPyarr with -1
● To copy content of a 1D array into a 2D array with 2 rows
● To perform basic arithmetic operations on 1D and 2D array

Data Management:
SQL Commands At least the following SQL commands should be covered during the
labs: create, insert, delete, select.
The following are some representative assignments.
● To create a database
● To create student table with the student id, class, section, gender, name, dob,
and marks as attributes where the student id is the primary key.
● To insert the details of at least 10 student in the above table.
● To delete the details of a particular student in the above table.
● To increase marks by 5% for those students, who have Rno more than 20
● To display the entire content of table on screen
● To display Rno, Name and Marks of those students, who are scoring marks
more than 50.
● To find the average of marks from the student table
● To find the number of students, who are from section ‘A’
● To add a new column email of appropriate data type
● To find the minimum and maximum marks obtained by students
● To modify email for each student.
● To display the information all the students, whose name starts with ‘AN’
(Examples: ANAND, ANGAD,..)
● To display Rno, Name, DOB of those students, who are born between ‘2005-
01-01’ and ‘2005-12-31’
● To display Rno, Name, DOB, Marks, Email of those male students in
ascending order of their names.
● To display Rno, Gender, Name, DOB, Marks, Email in descending order of
their marks.

A complete solution of a problem stating the problem, objective, source code, output Students in group of 2-3 are required to work collaboratively to develop a project using Programming Skills learnt during the course.
(Sample Examples can be a combination of few problems illustrated above)



Saturday, June 22, 2019

Syllabus for class 11 - Computer Science(Practical)

Theory 70 Marks:

Practical 30 Marks:

Unit Name
Marks (Total 30 Marks)
Lab Test (12 marks)

Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality)


SQL program (at least 4 queries)
Report File + viva (10 marks)

Report file: Minimum 20 Python programs and 8 SQL commands

Viva voce (based on the report file)
Project (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt)
(See CS-XII for the rules regarding the projects)

Possible Task for practical:
1. Programming in Python: At least the following Python concepts should be covered in the lab sessions: expressions, conditionals, loops, list, dictionary, and strings. The following are some representative lab assignments.
  • Find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.
  • Find the third largest number in a list.
  • Test for primarily.
  • Find whether a string is a palindrome or not.
  • Given two integers xand n, compute x n .
  • Compute the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two integers.
  • Test if a number is equal to the sum of the cubes of its digits. Find the smallest and largest such numbers.
2. Data Management: SQL Commands At least the following SQL commands should be covered during the labs: create, insert, delete, select, and join. The following are some representative assignments.
  • Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as attributes where the student id is the primary key.
  • Insert the details of a new student in the above table.
  • Delete the details of a particular student in the above table.
  • Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
  • Create a new table (name, date of birth) by joining two tables (student id, name) and (studentid, date of birth).
  • Create a new table (order ID, customer Name, and order Date) by joining two tables (order ID, customer ID,and order Date) and (customer ID, customer Name, contact Name, country).
3. Project

                      The aim of the class project is to create something that is tangible and useful. This should be done in groups of 2 to 3 students, and should be started by students at least 6 months before the submission deadline. The aim here is to find a real world problem that is worthwhile to solve. Students are encouraged to visit local businesses and ask them about the problems that they are facing. For example, if a business is finding it hard to create invoices for filing GST claims, then students can do a project that takes the raw data (list of transactions), groups the transactions by category, accounts for the GST tax rates, and creates invoices in the appropriate format. Students can be extremely creative here. They can use a wide variety of Python libraries to create user friendly applications such as games, software for their school, software for their disabled fellow students, and mobile applications, Of course to do some of this projects, some additional learning is required; this should be encouraged. Students should know how to teach themselves.

If three people work on a project for 6 months, at least 500 lines of code is expected. The committee as also been made aware about the degree of plagiarism in such projects. Teachers should take a very strict look at this situation, and take very strict disciplinary action against students who are cheating on lab assignments, or projects, or using pirated software to do the same. Everything that is proposed can be achieved using absolutely free, and legitimate open source software.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Syllabus for class 11 - Computer Science(Theory)

Computer Science (New)
CLASS-XI (Code No. 083)

Theory 70 Marks

Unit 1: Computer Systems and Organisation  10 Marks
  •  Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system and mobilesystem, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.
  • Types of software: application, System, utility.
  • Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
  • Boolean logic: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables, De Morgan’s laws
  • Information representation: numbers in base 2, 8, 16, binary addition
  •  Strings: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII (Indian script code), Unicode
  • Basic concepts of Flowchart
  • Concept of Compiler & Interpreter
  • Running a program: Notion of an operating system, how an operating systemruns a program, idea of loading, operating system as a resource manager.
  • Concept of cloud computing, cloud (public/private), introduction to parallel  computing.
Unit 2: Computational Thinking and Programming  35 Marks

Basics of Computational Thinking: Decomposition, Pattern Recognition/ Data
representation, Generalization/ Data Abstraction and algorithm.
Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: a simple “hello world"
program, process ofwriting a program (Interactive & Script mode), running it, and print
statements; simple data-types: integer, float, string
  • Features of Python, Python Character Set, Token & Identifiers, Keywords,Literals, Delimiters, operators.
  • Comments: (Single line & Multiline/ Continuation statements), Clarity &Simplification of expression.
  • Introduce the notion of a variable, and methods to manipulate it (concept of L-value and R-value evenif not taught explicitly).
  • Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console,assignment statement,expressions, operators and their precedence.
  • Operators & types: Binary operators-Arithmetic, Relational operators, LogicalOperators, Augmented Assignment operators.
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.: absolutevalue, sort 3 numbers,and divisibility.
  • Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for(range(),len()), while,flowcharts, suggested programs: interest calculation and factorials, etc.
  • Idea of debugging: errors and exceptions; debugging: pdb, break points.
  • Lists, tuples and dictionary: finding the maximum, minimum, mean; linear search on list/tuple ofnumbers, and counting the frequency of elements in a list using a dictionary. Introduce the notion of accessing elements in a collection using numbers and names.
  • Sorting algorithm: bubble and insertion sort;count the number of operations while sorting. Strings: Traversing, compare, concat, substring.
  • Introduction to Python modules: Importing math (sqrt, cell, floor, pow, fabs, sin,cos, tan, random (random, randint, randrange), statistics (mean, median,mode) modules.

Unit 3: Data Management  15 Marks

  • Relational databases: Concept of a database, relations, attributes and tuples,keys- candidate key, primary key, alternate key, foreign key;Degree and cardinality of a table.
  • Use SQL – DDL/ DML commands to CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO,UPDATE TABLE , DELETE FROM, ALTER TABLE,MODIFY TABLE, DROPTABLE, keys, and foreign keys; to view content of a table: SELECT-FROM-WHERE-ORDER BY alongwith BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, (Queries only on single table)
  • Aggregate functions – MIN,MAX,AVG,COUNT,SUM
  • Basics of NoSQL databases. 

Unit 4: Society, Law and Ethics - Cyber safety  10 Marks

  • Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks, cyber trollsand bullying
  • Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific usage rules.
  • Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, Trojans
  • Safely communicating data: secure connections, eavesdropping, phishing and identity verification.




Sunday, June 2, 2019

Syllabus for class 11 - Informatic Practices(Theory)

Informatics Practices (New)
CLASS XI (Code No. 065)

THEORY  70Marks:

Unit 1: Introduction of Computer System        5 Marks
Basic computer organisation: Computer system – I/O Devices, CPU, memory, hard disk, battery, power, transition from a calculator to a computer and further to smart devices.

Trouble shooting with parts of computer and basic operations of operating system. Basic concept of Data representation: Binary, ASCII, Unicode.
Unit 2: Introduction Python Programming         30 Marks
Familiarization with the basic of Python programming: a simple "hello world" program, process of writing a program, running it, and print statements; simple data-types: integer, float, string. Introduce the notion of variable, and methods to manipulate it (concept of L-value and R-value even if not taught explicitly). Tokens - keywords, identifiers, Literals, Delimiters. Knowledge of data type and operators: accepting input from the console, assignment statement, expressions, operators (assignment, arithmetic, relational and logical) and their precedence.

Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.: absolute value, sort 3 numbers, divisibility.

Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for ( range() , len()), while, flowcharts.
Suggested programs: finding average and grade for given marks, amount calculation for given cost-qty-discount, perimeter-wise/ area-wise cost calculation, interest calculation, profit-loss, EMI, tax calculation (example from GST/Income Tax).

List and dictionary: finding the maximum, minimum, mean; linear search on a list of numbers, and counting the frequency of elements in a list using a dictionary.

Text handling: compare, concat, and substring operations (without using string module).

Introduction to Python modules: importing math (sqrt, ceil, floor, pow, fabs), random (random, randint, randrange), statistics (mean, median) modules.

Unit 3: Data Handling  10 Marks

Numpy 1D array, 2D array Arrays: slices, joins, and subsets. Arithmetic operations on 2D arrays.

Unit 4: Data Management  15 Marks

Relational databases: Concept of a database, relations, attributes and tuples, keys - candidate key, primary key, alternate key, foreign key; Degree and Cardinality of a table.
Use SQL - DDL/DML commands to CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, UPDATE TABLE, DELETE FROM, ALTER TABLE, MODIFY TABLE, DROP TABLE, keys, and foreign keys; to view content of a table: SELECT-FROM-WHERE-ORDER BY alongwith BETWEEN, IN, LIKE. (Queries only on single table)
Aggregate Functions : MIN , MAX, AVG, COUNT, SUM

Unit 5: Society, Law and Ethics   10 Marks

Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks, netiquettes, digital footprint, cyber trolls and bullying. Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific usage rules.
Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, Trojans.Safely communicating
data: secure connections, eavesdropping, and phishing and identity verification. 

