Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Syllabus for class 11 - Computer Science(Theory)

Computer Science (New)
CLASS-XI (Code No. 083)

Theory 70 Marks

Unit 1: Computer Systems and Organisation  10 Marks
  •  Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system and mobilesystem, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.
  • Types of software: application, System, utility.
  • Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
  • Boolean logic: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables, De Morgan’s laws
  • Information representation: numbers in base 2, 8, 16, binary addition
  •  Strings: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII (Indian script code), Unicode
  • Basic concepts of Flowchart
  • Concept of Compiler & Interpreter
  • Running a program: Notion of an operating system, how an operating systemruns a program, idea of loading, operating system as a resource manager.
  • Concept of cloud computing, cloud (public/private), introduction to parallel  computing.
Unit 2: Computational Thinking and Programming  35 Marks

Basics of Computational Thinking: Decomposition, Pattern Recognition/ Data
representation, Generalization/ Data Abstraction and algorithm.
Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: a simple “hello world"
program, process ofwriting a program (Interactive & Script mode), running it, and print
statements; simple data-types: integer, float, string
  • Features of Python, Python Character Set, Token & Identifiers, Keywords,Literals, Delimiters, operators.
  • Comments: (Single line & Multiline/ Continuation statements), Clarity &Simplification of expression.
  • Introduce the notion of a variable, and methods to manipulate it (concept of L-value and R-value evenif not taught explicitly).
  • Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console,assignment statement,expressions, operators and their precedence.
  • Operators & types: Binary operators-Arithmetic, Relational operators, LogicalOperators, Augmented Assignment operators.
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.: absolutevalue, sort 3 numbers,and divisibility.
  • Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for(range(),len()), while,flowcharts, suggested programs: interest calculation and factorials, etc.
  • Idea of debugging: errors and exceptions; debugging: pdb, break points.
  • Lists, tuples and dictionary: finding the maximum, minimum, mean; linear search on list/tuple ofnumbers, and counting the frequency of elements in a list using a dictionary. Introduce the notion of accessing elements in a collection using numbers and names.
  • Sorting algorithm: bubble and insertion sort;count the number of operations while sorting. Strings: Traversing, compare, concat, substring.
  • Introduction to Python modules: Importing math (sqrt, cell, floor, pow, fabs, sin,cos, tan, random (random, randint, randrange), statistics (mean, median,mode) modules.

Unit 3: Data Management  15 Marks

  • Relational databases: Concept of a database, relations, attributes and tuples,keys- candidate key, primary key, alternate key, foreign key;Degree and cardinality of a table.
  • Use SQL – DDL/ DML commands to CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO,UPDATE TABLE , DELETE FROM, ALTER TABLE,MODIFY TABLE, DROPTABLE, keys, and foreign keys; to view content of a table: SELECT-FROM-WHERE-ORDER BY alongwith BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, (Queries only on single table)
  • Aggregate functions – MIN,MAX,AVG,COUNT,SUM
  • Basics of NoSQL databases. 

Unit 4: Society, Law and Ethics - Cyber safety  10 Marks

  • Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks, cyber trollsand bullying
  • Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific usage rules.
  • Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, Trojans
  • Safely communicating data: secure connections, eavesdropping, phishing and identity verification.


